What is the nutritional value of using cold pressed groundnut oil?
Groundnuts are healthy seeds considered to be healthy due to their safe balance of fatty acids. Groundnut oil is mostly used in Asian cuisines. However, consuming refined groundnut oil is of no use to the body as it has no nutrient value. On the other hand, cold pressed groundnut oil has the right amount of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that are good fats. The saturated fats present in cold pressed groundnut oil have moderate saturation fats.
Cold pressed groundnut oil nutrient content:
- Calories- 120
- Saturated fat – 2.3 grams
- Monounsaturated fat- 6.3 grams
- Polyunsaturated fat- 4.3 grams
- Vitamin E: 11% of the reference daily intake
- Phytosterols: 27.92 mg
- Fat: 15-16 gram
- Fatty acids –
- 20% saturated fats
- 50 % monounsaturated fat
- 30% of polyunsaturated fat

The advantages of cold pressed groundnut oil:
Control the level of cholesterol:
Cholesterol impacts heart health. Choosing the wrong cooking oil can have a disastrous effect on your heart .Cold pressed groundnut oil has more plant sterols as compared to the refined groundnut oil. These plant sterols help maintain cholesterol level. If you are a high cholesterol patient, buy cold pressed groundnut oil to avoid heart diseases.
Skin care:
Cold pressed groundnut oil has required quantity of Vitamin E. Vitamin E helps build damaged skin cells and maintains skin health. Free radicals are prevented that helps avoid premature aging, wrinkled skin or blemishes
Immunity booster:
Virus and bacteria can be fought with healthy antioxidants. This helps build immunity by removing viruses and other bacteria from your body.Antioxidants are present in high amounts in cold pressed groundnut oil.
Insulin sensitivity:
Oleic acid is an important healthy fatty acid found in groundnut oil. This oleic acid helps raise the level of insulin produced in the body. More insulin will help in reduce the effects in type 2 diabetes patients
Groundnut oil has high health benefits. However, consumption of anything in excess can be harmful for the body. In the same way, increased consumption of groundnut oil can be dangerous. Make sure you use the permissible amount of any form of cold pressed groundnut oil. Avoid using refined oil and buy cold pressed groundnut oil.
In conclusion, the nutritional value of using cold pressed groundnut oil is evident in its well-balanced composition of healthy fats and essential nutrients. Unlike refined groundnut oil, which lacks nutrient value, cold pressed groundnut oil contains a favorable mix of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, making it a healthier choice. Its nutrient content, including Vitamin E, phytosterols, and a balanced ratio of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats, contributes to its health benefits.
The advantages of incorporating cold pressed groundnut oil into your diet are numerous. It aids in controlling cholesterol levels, with higher plant sterol content compared to refined oils, thereby supporting heart health. The presence of Vitamin E in cold pressed groundnut oil promotes skin health, combating free radicals and preventing premature aging. Its abundance of antioxidants strengthens the immune system, helping the body combat viruses and bacteria effectively.

Furthermore, cold pressed groundnut oil's oleic acid content plays a pivotal role in enhancing insulin sensitivity, potentially benefiting individuals with type 2 diabetes by aiding in insulin production and reducing its adverse effects.
For more information: https://www.gulabgoodness.com/
View Souce :- https://coldpressedoil20201.wordpress.com/2020/12/04/what-is-the-nutritional-value-of-using-cold-pressed-groundnut-oil/
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